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The Wild West – Roots and Shoots

Holstebro Festuge 10th – 18th June 2017

Next Festuge takes place on 6th – 14th of June 2020 with the theme Generations – Transformations.  Looking forward to see you!

Holstebro Festuge is a cultural celebration by and with citizens of Holstebro and their guests! More than 200 unusual, entertaining and thought provoking events are created in the meetings between local citizens, associations, cultural institutions and 150 invited international actors, dancers, musicians and other artists. With this 10th edition of Holstebro Festuge entitled The Wild West – Roots and Shoots, we aim high. Through cultural events we rethink the Wild West as a space where the impossible becomes possible and where boundaries are broken down, when roots and shoots emerge in new and different shapes and forms: theatre on the streets, horses on the beach, music in the air, performances by the sea, theatrical wild cats and wild dogs, real centaurs and much more…
The Wild West – Roots and Shoots is a project under the European Capital of Culture – Aarhus 2017 and a part of Caravan Next, a large scale European Social Community Theatre with Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium as leading partner. Read more about Holstebro Festuge on www.odinteatret.dk

See the list of participants and collaborators in Holstebro Festuge 2017

See LIVE STREAMING of the Festuge events

The Wild West – Roots and Shoots

Holstebro Festuge 10th – 18th June 2017
Next Festuge takes place on 6th – 14th of June 2020 with the theme Generations – Transformations.  Looking forward to see you

Holstebro Festuge is a cultural celebration by citizens of Holstebro and their guests! The Wild West – Roots and Shoots is coordinated by Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium and is a project under the European Capital of Culture – Aarhus 2017 and a part of Caravan Next, a large scale European Social Community Theatre supported by the European union.

Nine days full of spectacular events for all ages!

Notice: the program will be updated frequently!


Saturday June 10

10.00 ColourRide

10.00 - 14.00 ColourRide Holstebro

ColourRide - an art exhibition of works in oil and watercolour, where the artist Dorthe Kærgaard portrays the horse as a metaphor for life's volatility and all the challenges that constantly bring us out of balance.
Arr. by: Holstebro Library
13.00 Stampede

13.00 Stampede Holstebro

Parades of people and centaurs, animals and bicycles, children and pensioners, musicians and actors converge towards the main square to present themselves to Holstebro in preparation for the nine days of the Festuge.
Arr. by: NTL
13.30 Tomato Day

13.30 Tomato Day (part of the Opening Performance) Holstebro

Finally the time has come to throw tomatoes at Jeppe, the “Mayor Candidate” of the Art Party, if he cannot speak in Danish! With political party candidates, scouts, young people from the schools of Holstebro.
Arr. by: Kunstpartiet, NTL
13.30 When the Sea Came to Holstebro

13.30 When the Sea Came to Holstebro Holstebro

Opening performance with hundreds of participants from Holstebro Festuge: local and international artists, institutions, associations and ensembles. Directed by Eugenio Barba in collaboration with Teatro Potlach and Rina Skeel.
Arr. by: NTL
15.00 Holstebro Internationale Tango Festival

15.00 - 22.30 Holstebro Internationale Tango Festival Holstebro

Holstebro International Tango Festival 2017: events for beginners and advanced tango lovers from 15.00 - 22.00
Arr. by: Tango MidtVest
15.00 Into the Wild

15.00 - 19.00 Into the Wild Holstebro

Into the Wild – Into the wilderness and the unknown. A group exhibition with some of the most current contemporary artists from Denmark, all of whom use "the wild" as part of their works.
Arr. by: Huset for Kunst og Design
16.00 An Outlandish Vision

16.00 - 16.20 An Outlandish Vision Holstebro

Afternoon tea surprises: a horse, other theatre figures and Eastern European melodies will appear during Mellemtoften’s afternoon tea and provide a rather unusual sight.
Arr. by: NTL
17.00 Home#3

17.00 Home#3 Holstebro

An orchestra of loudspeakers surrounds the audience in an electronic musical portrait of Holstebro Asylcenter. The music is based on everyday sounds recorded in collaboration with the residents. The concerts take place at Nørregade 14.
Arr. by: Niels Bjerg
17.00 The Bedroom

17.00-17.45 The Bedroom Holstebro

Experience the magic of two virtuoso ensembles: Ensemble MidtVest and the outstanding French Centaurs. The audience is invited into the Centaurs' bedroom, while the musicians create magical sound universes.
Arr. by: NTL, Ensemble MidtVest
1730 Festjyllandia

17.30 - 19.30 Festjyllandia Holstebro

Bring your picnic basket and experience a unique performance with the world famous Italian Teatro Tascabile, 23 musicians, a telescopic loader, folk dancers, a senior citizen theatre group, Icelandic horses and local talents.
Arr. by: NTL
19.00 Halfdansk rapsodi Ryde

19.00 Halfdansk rapsodi Ryde

With poetry reading, songs, photos and film fragments, actress Iben Nagel Rasmussen - daughter of the Danish poet and author Halfdan Rasmussen - has pieced together a portrait of Halfdan's less known sides.
Arr. by: NTL
20.00Shady Town Opening Night

20.00-01.00 Shady Town Opening Night Holstebro

The Freak Parade leads from Store Torv to the Opening Performance with acrobats, wild drummers, dancing pigs and more in Shady Town. The party continues inside the Slaughterhouse.
Arr. by: Kulturdivisionen, Subhuset and SLASH
22.00 Behind the hedges

22.00 - 22.45 Behind the hedges Holstebro

A walk into the mysterious landscape of villa gardens that we usually see only in glimpses over the hedge. Notice: starts at 22.00! Reservation necessary by email: odin@odinteatret.dk
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure and others
22.30 – 01.00 Late Night Festuge Cabaret

22.30 - 01.00 Late Night Festuge Cabaret Holstebro

The Late Night Festuge Cabaret at the Slaughterhouse is the place where Festuge artists and audience can meet in the evening. Drink, talk and enjoy late night performances by Holstebro and Festuge artists.
Arr. by: NTL

Sunday June 11

09.00 Centaurs at Home

09.00 - 09.15 Centaurs at Home Holstebro

The Centaur Village can be visited every morning. Centaurs have to be combed, trained and aired. Sometimes guests come for a cup of coffee. You are welcome to join the Centaurs at home!
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure and others
09.30 Greetings by The Church

09.30 - 10.00 Greetings by The Church Holstebro

The international workshop team Horseplay Everyday presents itself as a mad horse-headed businessperson chorus and as a herd of spectacular hobby horses greeting people on their way to church.
Arr. by: NTL, Deborah Hunt
10.00 Across the Stream

10.00 - 10.50 Across the Stream Holstebro

Experience Théâtre du Centaure and Friesian horses wandering in the park where the stream winds its way to the river, and where the wilderness patiently awaits the appearance of the Centaurs.
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure and others
10.00 Tango in the Church

10.00 - 11.15 Tango i Holstebro Kirke Holstebro

A different church experience: Experience the tango dancers from Tango MidtVest while the famous Italian tango orchestra Tango Spleen plays. All inside Holstebro Church. 
Arr. by: Tango MidtVest
11.00 – 23.00 Shady Sunday Market

11.00 - 23:00 Shady Sunday Market Holstebro

Shady Sunday Street Market is a lively street market with performances, music, craft, design and local food. After the market Grill-Your-Own-Food-BBQ. The day ends with the Late Night Festuge Cabaret.
Arr. by: Kulturdivisionen, Subhuset og SLASH
11.00 Into the Wild

11.00 - 17.00 Into the Wild Holstebro

Into The wild – Into the wilderness and the unknown. A group exhibition with some of the most current contemporary artists from Denmark, all of whom use "the wild" as part of their works.
Arr. by: Huset for Kunst og Design
11.00 Wild Cats & Wild Dogs  – Holstebro Lystanlæg

11.00 - 11.40 Wild Cats & Wild Dogs Holstebro

Surrounded by wild cats and dogs, the Baron will take Holstebro with quick interventions. One moment the animals are on leashes - the next they are free. Experience actors from various countries in this dynamic and unpredictable street performance.
Arr. by: NTL
11.15 Centaurs at home

11.15 - 11.35 Centaurs at Home Holstebro

The Centaur Village can be visited every morning. After this Sunday service Holstebro Church offers a cup of coffee in the church, and various guests will perform.
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure and others

11.45 - 12.00 Centaur Apparitions Holstebro

Centaurs appear: they walk around the town, go shopping, read newspapers at a café and look at art like everyone else. This Sunday they can be seen at Holstebro Art Museum.
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure and others
13.00 Music in the Bog

13.00 - 17.30 Music in the Bog Aulum

In an old and grand landscaped garden by the Storåen, old legends and traditions are brought back to life. It's classical, it's art, it's man sensing the divine in nature.
Arr. by: Musik i Mosen
14.00 Wild cat & wild dogs  – Holstebro Kunstmuseum

14.00 - 14.30 Wild Cats & Wild Dogs Holstebro

Surrounded by wild cats and dogs, the Baron will take Holstebro with quick interventions. One moment the animals are in leashes - the next they are free. Experience actors from various countries in this dynamic and unpredictable street performance.
Arr. by: NTL
15.00 Halfdansk rapsodi Ulfborg

15.00 Halfdansk Rapsodi Ulfborg

With poetry reading, songs, photos and film fragments, actress Iben Nagel Rasmussen - daughter of the Danish poet and author Halfdan Rasmussen - has pieced together a portrait of Halfdan's less known side.
Arr. by: NTL
15.00 Tango-workshop for beginners

15.00 - 16.00 Tango Workshop for beginners Holstebro

In order to dance the Argentine tango, the couple must learn some basic steps and figures which form the basis for their tango. The man always lead the woman while dancing the tango, and she must follow the man's impulse.
Arr. by: Tango MidtVest
15.00 The three ages

15.00 - 15.30 The three ages Holstebro

This performance by Théâtre du Centaure portrays the life of a Centaur woman at three different ages, present in the same caressing movement.
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure and others
16.00 Home#3

16.00 Home#3 Holstebro

An orchestra of loudspeakers surrounds the audience in an electronic musical portrait of Holstebro Asylcenter. The music is based on everyday sounds recorded in collaboration with the residents. The concerts take place at Nørregade 14.
Arr. by: Niels Bjerg
17.00 Wild Cats & Wild Dogs – Holstebro genbrugsplads

17.00 - 17.15 Wild Cats & Wild Dogs Holstebro

Surrounded by wild cats and dogs, the Baron will take Holstebro with quick interventions. One moment the animals are on leashes - the next they are free. Experience actors from various countries in this dynamic and unpredictable street performance.
Arr. by: NTL
17.00 Wild Island sun

17.00-18.00 Wild Encounters – Opening of the Wild Island Holstebro

The Wild Island is an artistic installation full of surprises. Every day artists and associations present new aspects of the wild side present within us all.
Arr. by: Isadora Pei, local scouts and NTL
17.30 Festjyllandia Nr Felding

17.30 - 19.30 Festjyllandia Holstebro

Bring your picnic basket and experience a unique performance with the world famous Italian Teatro Tascabile, 23 musicians, a telescopic loader, folk dancers, a senior citizen theatre group, islandic horses and local talents. Notice: Limited seats!
Arr. by: NTL
18.00 An Outlandish Vision

18.00 - 18.30 An Outlandish Vision Holstebro

A horse appears together with theatre figures and Eastern European melodies in Asagården as an unusual vision under the windows and in between buildings.
Arr. by: NTL
20.30 – 23.00 Late Night Festuge Cabaret

20.30 - 23.00 Late Night Festuge Cabaret Holstebro

The Late Night Festuge Cabaret at the Slaughterhouse is where Festuge artists and audience can meet in the evening. Drink, talk and enjoy late night performances by Holstebro and Festuge artists.
Arr. by: NTL
21.00 Requiem for a centaur

21.00 - 21.10 Requiem for a Centaur Holstebro

A lonesome Centaur dances in the darkness inside the church. A poetic performance by Théâtre du Centaure, portraying one of life’s quiet moments.
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure
21.20 Requiem for a Centaur

21.20 - 21.30 Requiem for a Centaur Holstebro

A lonesome Centaur dances in the darkness of the church. A poetic performance by Théâtre du Centaure, portraying one of life’s quiet moments.
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure
21.30 The Gate of the Woods

21.30 The Gate of the Woods Holstebro

The audience and performers form a beautiful procession on the magnificent plains - together we will open THE GATE OF THE WOODS – with Italian horses, cowboys and songs from Italy, Greece and Denmark.
Arr. by: Ingrid Hvass, Kent Byrialsen and others
21.40 Requiem for a Centaur

21.40 - 21.50 Requiem for a Centaur Holstebro

A lonesome Centaur dances in the darkness of the church. A poetic performance by Théâtre du Centaure, portraying one of life’s quiet moments.
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure
22.15 Ascetica

22.15 - 22.45 Ascetica Holstebro

In the middle of the woods, from between the trees, singers appear with light in their hands. The human voice is the continuous force of the performance ASCETICA, creating a strong and moving experience.
Arr. by: Ingrid Hvass, Kent Byrialsen and others
23.30 Towards the Milky Way

23.30 - 00.00 Towards the Milkyway Holstebro

Every night during Festuge you can experience horses, centaurs and other creatures slowly moving along guided by the highway in the sky, the Milky Way, on their way to the Midnight Ritual at the park.
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure and others
23.30 Tower of Light

23.30 - 03.30 Tower of Light Holstebro

Holstebro Church inside and outside. A video mapping installation to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. With performative events every hour, 23.30, 00.30, 01.30 and 02.30, and the presence of a priest from the church.
Arr. by: Holstebro Church, Stefano di Buduo (Aesop Studio), NTL
23.50 Centaurs of the night

00.15 - 00.35 Centaurs of the Night Holstebro

Notice: Change of location! Due to rain the event is held in the City Hall at 00.15 - 00.35. During Festuge several midnight rituals are performed. At midnight, time stops and a gentle wildness takes control of our imagination.
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure

Monday June 12

08:00 An Outlandish Vision

08.00 - 08.15 An Outlandish Vision Holstebro

When children and teachers come to school this Monday, they will come across a strange sight in the school yard: a horse and other theatre figures, accompanied by Eastern European melodies.
Arr. by: NTL
09.00 Centaurs at home

09.00 - 09.15 Centaurs at Home Holstebro

Every morning you can visit the Centaur Village. The Centaurs need to be combed, washed, and trained. Sometimes guests drop by for a cup of coffee, sometimes they bring other pets.
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure and others
10.00 ColourRide

10.00 - 18.00 ColourRide Holstebro

ColourRide - an art exhibition of works in oil and watercolour, where the artist Dorthe Kærgaard portrays the horse as a metaphor for life's volatility and all the challenges that constantly bring us out of balance.
Arr. by: Holstebro Library
10.30 WCWD

10.30 - 11.10 Wild Cats & Wild Dogs Holstebro

Surrounded by wild cats and dogs, the Baron will take Holstebro with quick interventions. One moment the animals are on leashes - the next they are free. Experience actors from various countries in this dynamic and unpredictable street performance.
Arr. by: NTL
11.00 Centaurs at home

11.00 - 11.15 Centaurs at Home Holstebro

The Centaur Village can be visited every morning. Centaurs have to be washed and combed, trained and aired. This morning children from the Ellebæk School drop by for coffee and to show a small scene. You are welcome to join the Centaurs at home!
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure and others
11.30 Chaos in the carpark at Nørreport Centret

11.30 Chaos in the carpark at Nørreport Centret Holstebro

The international workshop team Horseplay Everyday presents itself as a mad horse-headed businessperson chorus and as a herd of hobby horses making chaos in the carpark behind Nørreport Centret.
Arr. by: NTL, Deborah Hunt
12.00 Homage to Maren mon

12.00-12.15 Homage to Maren Holstebro

All visitors to Holstebro salute Maren, who came to town in 1966 the same year as Odin Teatret. The artists from SLASH also follow this tradition.
Arr. by: NTL, SLASH
12.00 Wild Cats & Wild Dogs – Nupark

12.00 -12.30 Wild Cats & Wild Dogs Holstebro

Surrounded by wild cats and dogs, the Baron will take Holstebro with quick interventions. One moment the animals are on leashes - the next they are free. Experience actors from various countries in this dynamic and unpredictable street performance.
Arr. by: NTL
12.15 Horseplay at Holstebro Station

12.15 Horseplay at Holstebro Station Holstebro

The international workshop team Horseplay Everyday presents itself as a mad horse-headed businessperson chorus and as a herd of hobby horses making chaos at the train station.
Arr. by: NTL, Deborah Hunt
13.00 Horseplay shovelling horse droppings at the town hall

13.00 Horseplay shovelling horse droppings at the town hall Holstebro

The international workshop team Horseplay Everyday presents itself as a mad horse-headed chorus of businessmen and as a herd of hobby horses shovelling horse droppings at the Town Hall.
Arr. by: NTL, Deborah Hunt
13.30 Wild Cats & Wild Dogs – Sprogcentret

13.30 - 14.00 Wild Cats & Wild Dogs Holstebro

Surrounded by wild cats and dogs, the Baron will take Holstebro with quick interventions. One moment the animals are on leashes - the next they are free. Experience actors from various countries in this dynamic and unpredictable street performance.
Arr. by: NTL
14.30 Angels passing by

14.30 - 15.00 Angels Passing By Holstebro

This performance by Théâtre du Centaure takes place between the library bookshelves, as if they float above the books like angels.
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure
15.00 Icelandic Freedom

15.00 - 15.30 Icelandic Freedom Holstebro

Ten real ‘læse-heste’ (‘bookworms’ in the shape of horses) can be found among the books at Holstebro Library.
Arr. by: NTL
15.00 Tango workshop for beginners

15.00 - 16.00 Tango Workshop for beginners Holstebro

Come alone or bring your own dance partner – or, if you prefer, drop by to just watch and listen – and learn more about the Argentine tango and the Kulturforeningen Tango MidtVest.
Arr. by: Tango MidtVest
15.30 An Outlandish Vision

15.30 - 16.00 An Outlandish Vision Holstebro

If you look out of the windows of the residential home this Monday, you will be met by a strange sight: a horse and other theatrical figures, accompanied by Eastern European melodies, are visiting.
Arr. by: NTL
15.30 Icelandic Freedom

15.30 - 16.00 Icelandic Freedom Holstebro

Visitors and employees of the Library and Town Hall are joined by ten selected Icelandic horses.
Arr. by: NTL
16.00 Halfdansk Rapsodi Staby

16.00 Halfdansk rapsodi Staby

With poetry reading, songs, photos and film fragments, actress Iben Nagel Rasmussen - daughter of the Danish poet and author Halfdan Rasmussen - has pieced together a portrait of Halfdan's less known side. ***CLOSED EVENT***
Arr. by: NTL
16.00 Home#3

16.00 Home#3 Holstebro

An orchestra of loudspeakers surrounds the audience in an electronic musical portrait of Holstebro Asylcenter. The music is based on everyday sounds recorded in collaboration with the residents. The concerts take place at Nørregade 14.
Arr. by: Niels Bjerg
16.00 The Woods in the Walking Street

16.00 - 16.20 Woods in the Walking Street Holstebro

We will plant a wood in the Walking Street and invite passers-by to listen to stories about the life of trees and the magic of the woods. A short and atmospheric event with tales, Greek songs and hymns.
Arr. by: Ingrid Hvass, Kent Byrialsen and more
17.00 Wild Island mon

17.00-18.00 Wild Island - Nomads of the Wind Holstebro

The Wild Island is an artistic installation full of surprises. Every day artists and associations present new aspects of the wild side present within us all.
Arr. by: Isadora Pei, lokale spejdergrupper and NTL
17.30 Festjyllandia

17.30 - 19.30 Festjyllandia Holstebro

Bring your picnic basket and experience a unique performance with the world famous Italian Teatro Tascabile, 23 musicians, a telescopic loader, folk dancers, a senior citizen theatre group, Icelandic horses and local talents.
Arr. by: NTL
18.00 – 01.00 Shady Short Film Night

18.00 - 01.00 Shady Short Film Night Holstebro

Short films based on the theme of deconstruction and rebuilding. New productions from young filmmakers and films from the early years of filming. Exciting wheelchair skating performance and free skating.
Arr. by: Kulturdivisionen, Subhuset and SLASH
20.30 Tales of the Woods

20.30 - 21.30 Tales of the Woods Holstebro

We will light a campfire, for people to gather round, while drinking campfire coffee and tea of the woods. We will hear stories and fairytales of the woods, told by the storytellers. Plain and simple.
Arr. by: Ingrid Hvass, Kent Byrialsen and others
21.00 Horseplay pub crawl

21.00 Horseplay Pubcrawl Holstebro

The international workshop team Horseplay Everyday presents itself as a mad horse-headed chorus of businessmen and as a herd of hobby horses on Pub Crawl starting outside Kielgasten , Østergade 16
Arr. by: NTL, Deborah Hunt
21.30 Birds choir and evening songs

21.30 Bird Choir and Evening Song Holstebro

End the day with a late walk in the woods and experience the birds singing for the sun going down. Enjoy the sunset and listen to the choir of birds and sense how the city and the woods go to sleep.
Arr. by: Ingrid Hvass, Kent Byrialsen and others
22.00 – 01.00 Late Night Festuge Cabaret

22:30 - 01:00 Late Night Festuge Cabaret Holstebro

The Late Night Festuge Cabaret at the Slaughterhouse is where Festuge artists and audience can meet in the evening. Drink, talk and enjoy late night performances by Holstebro and Festuge artists.
Arr. by: NTL
22.00 Sing in the Woods

22.00 Singing in the Woods Holstebro

Learn traditional Greek songs and orthodox hymns as part of a singing workshop among the trees after sunset. Enjoy this opportunity to spend time together round a campfire after the workshop.
Arr. by: Ingrid Hvass, Kent Byrialsen and others
23.30 Towards the Milky Way

23.30 - 00.00 Towards the Milky Way Holstebro

Every night during Festuge you can experience horses, centaurs and other creatures, slowly moving along, guided by the highway in the sky, the Milky Way, on their way to the Midnight Ritual at the park.
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure and others
23.30 Tower of Light

23.30 - 03.30 Tower of Light Holstebro

Holstebro Church inside and outside. A video mapping installation to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. With performative events every hour, 23.30, 00.30, 01.30 and 02.30, and the presence of a priest from the church.
Arr. by: Holstebro Church, Stefano di Buduo (Aesop Studio), NTL
23.50 Centaurs of the Night

00.00 - 00.20 Centaurs of the Night Holstebro

During Festuge several midnight rituals are performed. At midnight, times stops and a gentle wildness takes control of our imagination.
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure

Tuesday June 13

07.40 An Outlandish Vision

07.40 - 08.05 An Outlandish Vision Holstebro

When children and teachers of the Kristne Friskole come to school this Tuesday morning, they will be met by a strange sight: a horse and other theatrical figures, accompanied by Eastern European melodies, are visiting.
Arr. by: NTL
09.00 Centaurs at Home

09.00 - 09.15 Centaurs at Home Holstebro

The Centaur Village can be visited every morning. Centaurs have to be combed, trained and aired. Sometimes guests drop by for a cup of coffee. You are welcome to join the Centaurs at home!
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure and others
09.30 Centaur apparitions

09.30 - 10.00 Centaur apparitions Holstebro

Centaurs appear: they walk around the town, buy liquorice at the corner shop, read newspapers at a café - and travel by train.
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure and others
10.00 ColourRide

10.00 - 18.00 ColourRide Holstebro

ColourRide - an art exhibition of works in oil and watercolour, where the artist Dorthe Kærgaard portrays the horse as a metaphor for life's volatility and all the challenges that constantly bring us out of balance.
Arr. by: Holstebro Library
10.00 Horseplay greets children

10.00 Horseplay greets children Holstebro

The international workshop team Horseplay Everyday presents itself as a mad horse-headed businessperson chorus and as a herd of hobby horses greeting children at the train station.
Arr. by: NTL, Deborah Hunt
10.00 Paint it PINK!

10.00 Paint it pink! Holstebro

Along with many children from the schools of Holstebro, we will paint the pedestrian street pink, from the Old Town Hall to the Town Hall.
Arr. by: Kunstpartiet, NTL
10.15 Wild Children Parade

10.15 - 10.45 Wild Children Parade Holstebro

Children on horseback (real and imaginative) will make a wild invasion of Holstebro. They will gallop through the walking street to meet Jeppe, the candidate for Mayor, and lead the current Mayor from the Town Hall to the Centaur Village.
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure
10.30 WCWD – Ellebækskolen

10.30 - 11.15 Wild Cats & Wild Dogs Holstebro

Surrounded by wild cats and dogs, the Baron will take Holstebro with quick interventions. One moment the animals are on leashes - the next they are free. Experience actors from various countries in this dynamic and unpredictable street performance.
Arr. by: NTL
11.00 Centaurs at home

11.00 - 11.15 Centaurs at Home Holstebro

The Centaur Village can be visited every morning. Centaurs have to be combed, trained and aired. This morning the Mayor of Holstebro drops by for a cup of coffee, and maybe a carrot or two. You are welcome to join the Centaurs at home!
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure and others
12.00 Homage to Maren tues

12.00-12.15 Homage to Maren Holstebro

All visitors to Holstebro salute Maren, who came to town in 1966, the same year as Odin Teatret. The artists from Teatr Brama also follow this tradition.
Arr. by: NTL, Teatr Brama
14.00 Dansk Senior Dans at Holstebro Kunstmuseum

14.00 - 15.00 Dansk Senior Dans at Holstebro Kunstmuseum Holstebro

Come and experience Dansk Senior Dans (Danish Senior Dance) performing their own dances, based on known standard- or folk dance and exciting new dances, developed especially for senior dancing. Everyone is welcome to participate!
Arr. by: Dansk Senior Dans and Holstebro Kunstmuseum
14.00 WCWD

14.00 - 14.20 Wild Cats & Wild Dogs Holstebro

Surrounded by wild cats and dogs, the Baron will take Holstebro with quick interventions. One moment the animals are on leashes - the next they are free. Experience actors from various countries in this dynamic and unpredictable street performance.
Arr. by: NTL
15.00 WCWD

15.00 - 15.30 Wild Cats & Wild Dogs Holstebro

Surrounded by wild cats and dogs, the Baron will take Holstebro with quick interventions. One moment the animals are on leashes - the next they are free. Experience actors from various countries in this dynamic and unpredictable street performance.
Arr. by: NTL
16.00 Evening Dance

16.00 - 17.30 Evening Dance Holstebro

Come by for the perfect ending to your working day when the Ballet School invites for Evening Dance. Choose to dance free as you like or to get instructions in Latin & Standard dance by Earle Williamson who is double American champion.
Arr. by: Den Kongelige Balletskole/ The Royal Ballet School, Holstebro
16.00 The woods in the walking street

16.00 - 16.20 Woods in the Walking Street Holstebro

CANCELLED We will plant a wood in the walking street and invite passers-by to listen to stories about the life of trees and the magic of the woods. A short and atmospheric event with tales, Greek songs and hymns.
Arr. by: Ingrid Hvass, Kent Byrialsen and more
17.00 WCWD Wild Island

17.00 -17.15 Wild Cats & Wild Dogs Holstebro

Surrounded by wild cats and dogs, the Baron will take Holstebro with quick interventions. One moment the animals are on leashes - the next they are free. Experience actors from various countries in this dynamic and unpredictable street performance.
Arr. by: NTL
17.00 Wild Island tues

17.00-18.00 Wild Island - Wild Creatures Holstebro

The Wild Island is an artistic installation full of surprises. Every day artists and associations present new aspects of the wild side present within us all.
Arr. by: Isadora Pei, lokale spejdergrupper and NTL
17.30 Run wild in Sevel

17.30 - 18.45 Gå vild i Sevel Sevel

The spectators are invited to ‘run wild’ in Sevel. Children from Sevel School will show them the village as never seen before: the most secret corners, the wildest of places.
Arr. by: NTL, Sevel Skole samt foreninger i Sevel
17.30 Theatrum Machinae – Staby

17.30 - 19.30 Theatrum Machinae Staby

Theatrum Machinae & village picnic in Staby: theatre with machines, horses and highflying artistic gymnasts! Bring your picnic basket and experience the famous Teatro Tascabile and other local talents in a gigantic performance.
Arr. by: NTL
18.00 – 01.00 Black Poetry Night

18.00 - 01:00 Black Poetry Night Holstebro

Poems from the shady years of the late 19th century and new creations merge with rhythm, music, dance, aerial acrobacy and machinery.
Arr. by: Kulturdivisionen, Subhuset and SLASH
19.00 Halfdansk rapsodi, vinderup

19.00 Halfdansk Rapsodi Vinderup

With poetry reading, songs, photos and film fragments, actress Iben Nagel Rasmussen - daughter of the Danish poet and author Halfdan Rasmussen - has pieced together a portrait of Halfdan's less known side.
Arr. by: NTL
19.00 Tango Concert & Workshop

19.00 - 22.00 Tango Concert & Workshop Holstebro

An atmospheric evening of tango at the Kunstmuseet, where you can learn not only the tango but also experience a show, a concert and a tango salon.
Arr. by: Tango MidtVest, Holstebro Kunstmuseum
19.30 A real boxing match

19.30 - 20.30 A real boxing match Holstebro

A real boxing match between Jeppe and a secret opponent. To hear the final verdict, should we wait for the judge’s response? Or let the audience choose?
Arr. by: Kunstpartiet, NTL
19.30 Wildcards for the Voters of the Wild West

19.30 Wildcards for Voters in the Wild West Holstebro

The old election booths from Holstebro are set up for an extraordinary election one last time. When the election is free then there should also be freedom to unfold in other ways? Book tickets on www.holstebrofestuge.dk
Arr. by: NTL
21.30 Birds choir and evening songs

21.30 Bird Choir and Evening Songs Holstebro

End the day with a late walk in the woods and experience the birds singing for the sun going down. Enjoy the sunset and listen to the bird choir and sense how the city and the wood go to sleep with an evening song and a brief story about birds.
Arr. by: Ingrid Hvass, Kent Byrialsen and others
22.00 Sing in the woods

22.00 Sing in the Woods Holstebro

Learn traditional Greek songs and orthodox hymns as part of a singing workshop among the trees after sunset. Enjoy this opportunity to spend time together round a campfire after the workshop.
Arr. by: Ingrid Hvass, Kent Byrialsen and others
23.00 – 01.00 Late Night Festuge Cabaret

23:00 - 01:00 Late Night Festuge Cabaret Holstebro

The Late Night Festuge Cabaret at the Slaughterhouse is where Festuge artists and audience can meet in the evening. Drink, talk and enjoy late night performances by Holstebro and Festuge artists.
Arr. by: NTL
23.30 Towards the Milky Way

23.30 - 00.00 Towards the Milky Way Holstebro

Every night during Festuge you can experience horses, centaurs and other creatures, slowly moving along, guided by the highway in the sky, the Milky Way, on their way to the Midnight Ritual at the park.
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure and others
23.30 Tower of Light

23.30 - 03.30 Tower of Light Holstebro

Holstebro Church inside and outside. A video mapping installation to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. With performative events every hour, 23.30, 00.30, 01.30 and 02.30, and the presence of a priest from the church.
Arr. by: Holstebro Church, Stefano di Buduo (Aesop Studio), NTL
23.50 Centaurs of the Night

00.00 - 00.20 Centaurs of the Night Holstebro

During Festuge several midnight rituals are performed. At midnight, time stops and a gentle wildness takes control of our imagination.
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure

Wednesday June 14

07.20 An Outlandish Vision

07.20 - 07.40 An Outlandish Vision Holstebro

Train commuters will be met by a wild sight: one real horse and twelve imaginary ones, accompanied by Eastern European melodies, are at the station!
Arr. by: NTL
07.20 Horseplay greets children

07.20 Horseplay greets children Holstebro

The international workshop team Horseplay Everyday presents itself as a mad horse-headed businessperson chorus and as a herd of hobby horses making chaos at the train station.
Arr. by: NTL, Deborah Hunt
07.50 An Outlandish Vision

07.50 - 08.00 An outlandish vision Holstebro

When children and teachers of Rolf Krake School come to school this Wednesday, they will be met by a strange sight: one real horse and twelve imaginary ones, accompanied by Eastern European melodies, are at the school entrance!
Arr. by: NTL
09.00 Centaurs at home

09.00 - 09.15 Centaurs at Home Holstebro

The Centaur Village can be visited every morning. Centaurs have to be combed, trained and aired. Sometimes guests drop by for a cup of coffee. You are welcome to join the Centaurs at home!
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure and others
10.00 ColourRide

10.00 - 18.00 ColourRide Holstebro

ColourRide - an art exhibition of works in oil and watercolour, where the artist Dorthe Kærgaard portrays the horse as a metaphor for life's volatility and all the challenges that constantly bring us out of balance.
Arr. by: Holstebro Library
10.30 Horseplay at Holstebro Seniorhus

10.30 Horseplay at Holstebro Seniorhus Holstebro

The international workshop team Horseplay Everyday presents itself as a mad horse-headed businessperson chorus and as a herd of hobby horses at Holstebro Seniorhus.
Arr. by: NTL, Deborah Hunt
11.00 Centaurs at home

11.00 - 11.15 Centaurs at home Holstebro

The Centaur Village can be visited every morning. Centaurs have to be washed and combed, trained and aired. Sometimes guests drop by for a cup of coffee, perhaps they will play some music or sing a song, perhaps they have their pets with them.
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure and others
11.00 Theatrum Machinae – Råsted

11.00 - 13.00 Theatrum Machinae Råsted

Theatrum Machinae & village picnic in Råsted: theatre and picnic with machines, sheep, flamenco dancers, a fearless men choir, the world famous Italian Teatro Tascabile with stilts and the fantastic French horse theatre group Théâtre du Centaure.
Arr. by: NTL
11.00 WCWD

11.00 - 11.15 Wild Cats & Wild Dogs Holstebro

Surrounded by wild cats and dogs, the Baron will take Holstebro with quick interventions. One moment the animals are on leashes - the next they are free. Experience actors from various countries in this dynamic and unpredictable street performance.
Arr. by: NTL
11.30 Centaur apparitions

11.30 - 12.00 Centaur Apparitions Holstebro

Centaurs appear: they walk around the town, go shopping, read newspapers at a café, go to the bank and buy clothes like everyone else. This morning they are in the centre of town - see if you can find them.
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure and others
11.30 Horseplay walk from fountain to fountain

11.30 Horseplay Walk from Fountain to Fountain Holstebro

The international workshop team Horseplay Everyday presents itself as a mad horse-headed businessperson chorus and as a herd of hobby horses walking from fountain to fountain in the walking street.
Arr. by: NTL, Deborah Hunt
12.00 Homage to Maren wed

12.00 - 12.15 Homage to Maren Holstebro

All visitors to Holstebro salute Maren, who came to town in 1966, the same year as Odin Teatret. The Centaurs also follow this tradition.
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure
15.00 Horsing around at the Library

15.00 Horsing around at the Library Holstebro

The international workshop team Horseplay Everyday presents itself as a mad horse-headed businessperson chorus and as a herd of hobby horses in the library.
Arr. by: NTL, Deborah Hunt
15.00 WCWD

15.00 - 15.30 Wild Cats & Wild Dogs Holstebro

Surrounded by wild cats and dogs, the Baron will take Holstebro with quick interventions. One moment the animals are on leashes - the next they are free. Experience actors from various countries in this dynamic and unpredictable street performance.
Arr. by: NTL
16.00 – 01.00 Communal Dinner

16.00-00.00 Communal Dinner Holstebro

Enjoy an exceptional dinner with live music and performances, eating with fellow citizens at the Slaughterhouse. Buffet by Utopia and Kamoon, roasted pig by Vestergades Butcher.
Arr. by: Kulturdivisionen, Subhuset and others
16.00 The Picnic

16.00 - 20.00 The Picnic Holstebro

We have invited users and residents of the Centre for Socially Deprived. NB! SPECIAL EVENT!
Arr. by: Ingrid Hvass, Kent Byrialsen and others
17.00 Wild Island wed

17.00-18.00 Wild Island - Rhythms of Struggle Holstebro

The Wild Island is an artistic installation full of surprises. Every day artists and associations present new aspects of the wild side present within us all.
Arr. by: Isadora Pei, local scout groups and NTL
17.30 WCWD

17.30 - 18.10 Wild Cats & Wild Dogs Holstebro

Surrounded by wild cats and dogs, the Baron will take Holstebro with quick interventions. One moment the animals are on leashes - the next they are free. Experience actors from various countries in this dynamic and unpredictable street performance.
Arr. by: NTL
18.30 Tango-workshop for beginners

18.30 - 19.30 Tango Workshop for Beginners Holstebro

In order to dance the Argentine tango, the couple must learn some basic steps and figures which form the basis for their tango. The man always leads the woman while dancing tango, and she must follow the man's impulse.
Arr. by: Tango MidtVest
19.30 A real boxing match

19.30 - 20.30 A real boxing match Holstebro

A real boxing match between Jeppe and a secret opponent. To hear the final verdict, should we wait for the judge’s response? Or let the audience choose?
Arr. by: Kunstpartiet, NTL
19.30 Wildcards for the Voters of the Wild West

19.30 Wildcards for Voters in the Wild West Holstebro

The old election booths from Holstebro are set up for an extraordinary election one last time. When the election is free then there should also be freedom to unfold in other ways? Book tickets on www.holstebrofestuge.dk
Arr. by: NTL
22.00 – 01.00 Late Night Festuge Cabaret

22:00 - 01:00 Late Night Festuge Cabaret Holstebro

The Late Night Festuge Cabaret at the Slaughterhouse is where Festuge artists and audience can meet in the evening. Drink, talk and enjoy late night performances by Holstebro and Festuge artists.
Arr. by: NTL
23.30 Towards the Milky Way

23.30 - 00.00 Towards the Milky Way Holstebro

Every night during Festuge you can experience horses, centaurs and other creatures, slowly moving along, guided by the highway in the sky, the Milky Way, on their way to the Midnight Ritual at the park.
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure and others
23.30 Tower of Light

23.30 - 03.30 Tower of Light Holstebro

Holstebro Church inside and outside. A video mapping installation to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. With performative events every hour, 23.30, 00.30, 01.30 and 02.30, and the presence of a priest from the church.
Arr. by: Holstebro Church, Stefano di Buduo (Aesop Studio), NTL
23.50 Centaurs of the Night

00.00 - 00.20 Centaurs of the Night Holstebro

During Festuge several midnight rituals are performed. At midnight, time stops and a gentle wildness takes control of our imagination.
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure

Thursday June 15

07.50 An Outlandish Vision

07.50 - 08.00 An Outlandish Vision Holstebro

When children and teachers of Nørre Boulevard School come to school this Thursday, they are met with a wild sight: one real horse and twelve imaginary ones, accompanied by Eastern European melodies, are waiting at the school entrance!
Arr. by: NTL
09.00 Centaurs at home

09.00 - 09.15 Centaurs at home Holstebro

The Centaur Village can be visited every morning. Centaurs have to be combed, trained and aired. Sometimes guests drop by for a cup of coffee. You are welcome to join the Centaurs at home!
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure and others
09.00 Wild Cats & Wild Dogs

09.00 - 09.20 Wild Cats & Wild Dogs Holstebro

Surrounded by wild cats and dogs, the Baron will take Holstebro with quick interventions. One moment the animals are on leashes - the next they are free. Experience actors from various countries in this dynamic and unpredictable street performance.
Arr. by: NTL
10.00 ColourRide

10.00 - 18.00 ColourRide Holstebro

ColourRide - an art exhibition of works in oil and watercolour, where the artist Dorthe Kærgaard portrays the horse as a metaphor for life's volatility and all the challenges that constantly bring us out of balance.
Arr. by: Holstebro Library
10.00 Go treasure hunting with Billy Bang

10.00 - 12.00 Go Treasure Hunting with Billy Bang Holstebro

Let the children have fun in the Holstebro Festuge Wild West. The treasure hunt with Billy Bank is for children aged 3 and older.
Arr. by: Holstebro Bibliotek
10.30 WCWD Tvis skole

10.30-11.15 Wild Cats & Wild Dogs Holstebro

Surrounded by wild cats and dogs, the Baron will take Holstebro with quick interventions. One moment the animals are on leashes - the next they are free. Experience actors from various countries in this dynamic and unpredictable street performance.
Arr. by: NTL
11.00 Centaurs at home

11.00 - 11-15 Centaurs at home Holstebro

The Centaur Village can be visited every morning. Centaurs have to be washed and combed, trained and aired. Sometimes guests drop by for a cup of coffee, perhaps they will play some music or sing a song, perhaps they have their pets with them.
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure and others
11.00 Theatrum Machinae – Vemb

11.00 - 13.00 Theatrum Machinae Vemb

Theatrum Machinae & village picnic in Vemb: theatre with machines and a wrought orchestra with wrench and guitar! Bring your picnic basket and experience the famous Teatro Tascabile and other local talents in a gigantic performance.
Arr. by: NTL
11.30 Selfie-stroll to cafés

11.30 Selfie-stroll to cafés Holstebro

The international workshop team Horseplay Everyday presents itself as a mad horse-headed businessperson chorus and as a herd of hobby horses enjoying a Selfie-stroll to cafés on the walking street.
Arr. by: NTL, Deborah Hunt
12.00 Homage to Maren thur

12.00-12.15 Homage to Maren Holstebro

All visitors to Holstebro salute Maren, who came to town in 1966, the same year as Odin Teatret. The artists from Horseplay Everyday also follow this tradition.
Arr. by: NTL, Horseplay Everyday
13.30 An outlandish vision

13.30 - 13.45 An Outlandish Vision Borbjerg

When children and teachers of Borbjerg School leave the school this Thursday, they will be met by a wild sight: majestic Friesians and Eastern European melodies are waiting at the school exit.
Arr. by: NTL
15.45 flashmob

15.45 -16.00 Ode to the Wild Wind Holstebro

Poetic and musical surprise

Arr. by: NTL, Orkesterefterskolen, Jens Otto Nystrup.
16.00 The Woods in the Walking Street

16.00 - 16.20 The Woods in the Walking Street Holstebro

We will plant a wood in the walking wtreet and invite passers-by to listen to stories about the life of trees and the magic of the woods. A short and atmospheric event with tales, Greek songs and hymns.
Arr. by: Ingrid Hvass, Kent Byrialsen and others
16.30 Of Horses and Men

16.30 Of Horses and Men Holstebro

A country romance about the human streak in the horse and the horse in the human. Love and death become interlaced and with immense consequences. The fortunes of the people in the country through the horses’ perception.
Arr. by: Holstebro Filmklub
16.30 WCWD Cafe Aaes

16.30-16.40 Wild Cats & Wild Dogs Holstebro

Surrounded by wild cats and dogs, the Baron will take Holstebro with quick interventions. One moment the animals are on leashes - the next they are free. Experience actors from various countries in this dynamic and unpredictable street performance.
Arr. by: NTL
17.00 – 01.00 Rockin’ Rollin’ & Pizza Night

16.00 - 01.00 Rockin’ Rollin’ & Pizza Night Holstebro

See the Tractor Circus, bake your own delicious pizza in oil barrels and hear local bands loaded with young talent and energy. Do you want to bring your band and perform? Contact us at shadytown2017@gmail.com.
Arr. by: Kulturdivisionen, Subhuset and SLASH
17.00 Run Wild in Borbjerg

17.00 - 19.00 Run Wild in Borbjerg Borbjerg

The spectators are invited to ‘run wild’ in Borbjerg. They are led around the village by a group of children from Borbjerg school who show them Borbjerg as they have never seen it before: the most secret corners, the wildest places.
Arr. by: NTL, Borbjerg Skole samt foreninger i Borbjerg
17.00 WCWD Wild Island

17.00-17.40 Wild Cats & Wild Dogs Holstebro

Surrounded by wild cats and dogs, the Baron will take Holstebro with quick interventions. One moment the animals are on leashes - the next they are free. Experience actors from various countries in this dynamic and unpredictable street performance.
Arr. by: NTL
17.00 Wild Island thurs

17.00-18.00 Wild Island - Dancing Wild Voices Holstebro

The Wild Island is an artistic installation full of surprises. Every day artists and associations present new aspects of the wild side present within us all.
Arr. by: Isadora Pei, local scout groups and NTL
18.30 Tango-workshop for beginners

18.30 - 19.30 Tango Workshop for Beginners Holstebro

In order to dance the Argentine tango, the couple must learn some basic steps and figures which form the basis for their tango. The man always leads the woman while dancing tango, and she must follow the man's impulse.
Arr. by: Tango MidtVest
19.00 HALFDANSK RAPSODI, holstebro


With poetry reading, songs, photos and film fragments, actress Iben Nagel Rasmussen - daughter of the Danish poet and author Halfdan Rasmussen - has pieced together a portrait of Halfdan's less known side.
Arr. by: NTL
19.30 A real boxing match

19.30 - 20.30 A real boxing match Holstebro

A real boxing match between Jeppe and a secret opponent. To hear the final verdict, should we wait for the judge’s response? Or let the audience choose?
Arr. by: Kunstpartiet, NTL
19.30 Wildcards for the Voters of the Wild West

19.30 Wildcards for Voters in the Wild West Holstebro

The old election booths from Holstebro are set up for an extraordinary election one last time. When the election is free then there should also be freedom to unfold in other ways? Book tickets on www.holstebrofestuge.dk
Arr. by: NTL
21.30 Birds choir and evening songs

21.30 Bird Choir and Evening Songs Holstebro

End the day with a late walk in the woods and experience the birds singing for the sun going down. Enjoy the sunset and listen to the choir of birds and sense how the city and the wood goes to sleep.
Arr. by: Ingrid Hvass, Kent Byrialsen and others
22.00 Sing in the woods

22.00 Sing in the Woods Holstebro

Learn traditional Greek songs and orthodox hymns as part of a singing workshop among the trees after sunset. Enjoy this opportunity to spend time together round a campfire after the workshop.
Arr. by: Ingrid Hvass, Kent Byrialsen and others
23.00 – 01.00 Late Night Festuge Cabaret

23:00 - 01:00 Late Night Festuge Cabaret Holstebro

The Late Night Festuge Cabaret at the Slaughterhouse is where Festuge artists and audience can meet in the evening. Drink, talk and enjoy late night performances by Holstebro and Festuge artists.
Arr. by: NTL
23.30 Towards the Milky Way

23.30 - 00.00 Towards the Milky Way Holstebro

Every night during Festuge you can experience horses, centaurs and other creatures, slowly moving along, guided by the highway in the sky, the Milky Way, on their way to the Midnight Ritual at the park.
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure and others
23.30 Tower of Light

23.30 - 03.30 Tower of Light Holstebro

Holstebro Church inside and outside. A video mapping installation to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. With performative events every hour, 23.30, 00.30, 01.30 and 02.30, and the presence of a priest from the church.
Arr. by: Holstebro Church, Stefano di Buduo (Aesop Studio), NTL
23.50 Centaurs of the Night

00.00 - 00.20 Centaurs of the Night Holstebro

During Festuge several midnight rituals are performed. At midnight, time stops and a gentle wildness takes control of our imagination.
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure

Friday June 16

06.30 Morning Dance

06.30 - 08.00 Morning dance Holstebro

Get charged for the work of the day when the Ballet School invites you for morning dance. Choose to dance free as you like or to get instructions in Latin & Standard dance by Earle Williamson who is double American champion.
Arr. by: The Royal Ballet School
07.30 WCWD Holstebro banegård

07.30 - 07.50 Wild Cats & Wild Dogs Holstebro

Surrounded by wild cats and dogs, the Baron will take Holstebro with quick interventions. One moment the animals are on leashes - the next they are free. Experience actors from various countries in this dynamic and unpredictable street performance.
Arr. by: NTL
07.50 An outlandish vision

07.50 - 08.00 An Outlandish Vision Holstebro

When children and teachers of the Storå School come to school this Friday, they will be met by a wild sight: one real horse and twelve imaginary ones, accompanied by Eastern European melodies, are waiting at the school entrance!
Arr. by: NTL
09.00 Centaurs at home

09.00 - 09.15 Centaurs at home Holstebro

The Centaur Village can be visited every morning. Centaurs have to be combed, trained and aired. Sometimes guests drop by for a cup of coffee. You are welcome to join the Centaurs at home!
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure m.fl.

09.00 INCITATUS Holstebro

Jeppe will appoint a horse from Centaur Village as Minister.
Arr. by: Kunstpartiet, NTL
10.00 ColourRide

10.00 - 18.00 ColourRide Holstebro

ColourRide - an art exhibition of works in oil and watercolour, where the artist Dorthe Kærgaard portrays the horse as a metaphor for life's volatility and all the challenges that constantly bring us out of balance.
Arr. by: Holstebro Library
10.30 WCWD mejrup skole

10.30 - 11.15 Wild Cats & Wild Dogs Holstebro

Surrounded by wild cats and dogs, the Baron will take Holstebro with quick interventions. One moment the animals are on leashes - the next they are free. Experience actors from various countries in this dynamic and unpredictable street performance.
Arr. by: NTL
11.00 Centaurs at home

11.00 - 11.15 Centaurs at home Holstebro

The Centaur Village can be visited every morning. Centaurs have to be washed and combed, trained and aired. This morning children from Nørre Boulevard School drop by together with Mario Barzaghi. You are welcome to join the Centaurs at home
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure and others
12.00 Homage to Maren

12.00-12.15 Homage to Maren Holstebro

All visitors to Holstebro salute Maren, who came to town in 1966, the same year as Odin Teatret. The Wild Cats & Dogs also follow this tradition.
Arr. by: NTL, Wild Cats & Wild Dogs
12.00 Into the Wild

12.00 - 16.00 Into the Wild Holstebro

Into The wild – Into the wilderness and the unknown. A group exhibition with some of the most current contemporary artists from Denmark, all of whom use "the wild" as part of their works.
Arr. by: Huset for Kunst og Design
14.00 A walk in Husby Klitplantage

14.00 - 16.00 A Walk at Husby Klitplantage Husby

Come for a walk around Husby Klitplantage before the horse-show on the beach, which is a part of Holstebro Festuge. We will walk about 5 km within the plantation itself. Remember to bring good walking shoes and clothes suitable for the weather.
Arr. by: Dansk vandrelaug
14.30 Wild cats & wild dogs – Holstebro Banegaard

14.30 -14.50 Wild Cats & Wild Dogs Holstebro

Surrounded by wild cats and dogs, the Baron will take Holstebro with quick interventions. One moment the animals are on leashes - the next they are free. Experience actors from various countries in this dynamic and unpredictable street performance.
Arr. by: NTL
15.00 Koncert with Thirsty Night Big Band

15.00 - 16.00 Concert with Thirsty Night Big Band Holstebro

Bigband Jazz with Thirsty Night Big Band by Jens Klüver
Arr. by: Thirsty Night Big Band
16.45 Animaglyphe

16.45 - 18.00 Animaglyphe Husby

People and animals create soulful figures in the landscape along the majestic beach of Husby. The spectators walk together through the dunes, until lots of Centaurs appear.
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure
17.00 The last action before the election

17.00 The last action before the election Holstebro

The last action in a very long election campaign, with Jeppe, Linda and Alberto M. Guinaldo.
Arr. by: Kunstpartiet, NTL
17.00 Wild Island fri

17.00-18.00 Wild Island - Between Earth and Sky Holstebro

The Wild Island is an artistic installation full of surprises. Every day artists and associations present new aspects of the wild side present within us all.
Arr. by: Isadora Pei, local scoutgroups and NTL
18.00 – 02.00 Shady Town Grand Finale

18.00-02.00 Shady Towns Grand Finale Holstebro

For the Shady Town Grand Finale the whole area will come alive with colourful theatre performances, circus, dance and music. We celebrate the temporary village by dancing into the night
Arr. by: Kulturdivisionen, Subhuset and SLASH
19.00 Theatrum Nauticum & Paella – Thorsminde

19.00 - 20.30 Theatrum Nauticum & Paella Thorsminde

Theatre with ships, spectacular sand pumps, proud fishing boats, cool kayaks, swimming clubs, a choir of strong sailors, sea horses and the Italian theatre group Teatro Tascabile and the French horse theatre Théâtre du Centaure.
Arr. by: NTL
22.00 – 02.00 Late Night Festuge Cabaret

22:00 - 02:00 Late Night Festuge Cabaret Holstebro

Tonight the Late Night Festuge Cabaret is replaced by Shady Town’s grand finale and dance party, a crazy carnival that will burn until deep in the night with drag queens, aerial acrobatics, dance and music.
Arr. by: NTL
23.30 Tower of Light

23.30 - 03.30 Tower of Light Holstebro

Holstebro Church inside and outside. A video mapping installation to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. With performative events every hour, 23.30, 00.30, 01.30 and 02.30, and the presence of a priest from the church.
Arr. by: Holstebro Church, Stefano di Buduo (Aesop Studio), NTL

Saturday June 17

10.00 ColourRide

10.00 - 14.00 ColourRide Holstebro

ColourRide - an art exhibition of works in oil and watercolour, where the artist Dorthe Kærgaard portrays the horse as a metaphor for life's volatility and all the challenges that constantly bring us out of balance.
Arr. by: Holstebro Library
11.00 Centaurs at home

11.00 - 11.15 Centaurs at home Holstebro

The Centaur Village can be visited every morning. Centaurs have to be washed and combed, trained and aired. Sometimes guests drop by for a cup of coffee, perhaps they will play some music or sing a song, perhaps they have their pets with them.
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure and others
11.00 Exchange Market – Regatta after-party

11:00 - 03:00 Exchange Market - Regatta after-party Holstebro

Spring and summer cleaning! Clean out your wardrobe, make-up purse and kitchen cabinets. Sort out the kids' toys, tidy up your garage and garden shed - find the things you do not use anymore and bring them to the Shady Town exchange market.
Arr. by: Kulturdivisionen, Subhuset og SLASH
11.00 Into the Wild

11.00 - 17.00 Into the Wild Holstebro

Into the Wild – Into the wilderness and the unknown. A group exhibition with some of the most current contemporary artists from Denmark, all of whom use "the wild" as part of their works.
Arr. by: Huset for Kunst og Design
12.00 Stampede

12.00 Stampede Holstebro

People and centaurs, animals and bicycles, children and pensioners, musicians and actors, drones and stilt characters appear from different parts of the town, to meet and salute Holstebro Festuge 2017 with a final scene in front of Musikteatret.
Arr. by: NTL
14.00 Holstebro Regatta – Reb & Ror

14.00 - 22.00 Holstebro Regatta // Reb & Ror Holstebro

The raft regatta Holstebro Regatta - Reb & Ror will fill Holstebro's beautiful river with nice boat constructions and festive people. Come to contribute as audience or participator to mark the cultural agenda in Holstebro.
Arr. by: Foreningen Holstebro Regatta // Reb & Ror
14.00 Tango-workshop for beginners

14.00 - 15.00 Tango-workshop for beginners Holstebro

In order to dance the Argentine tango, the couple must learn some basic steps and figures which form the basis for their tango. The man always leads the woman while dancing the tango, and she must follow the man's impulse.
Arr. by: Tango MidtVest
15.00 Marie Lund – Legumes

15.00 Marie Lund - Legumes Holstebro

Marie Lund (DK, b. 1976) is one of Danish contemporary art's most talented sculptors. Now she is presented for the first time with a solo exhibition at a Danish art museum.
Arr. by: Holstebro Kunstmuseum
17.00 The Feast of The Woods

17.00 - 21.30 The Feast of The Woods Holstebro

A festive ending of the residency in THE WOODS! OMMA Theater and singers from the workshop, Baratha Natyam Dance, the fairytale woods and food of the woods, silent time and rest. Notice: book your free tickets online in advance.
Arr. by: Ingrid Hvass, Kent Byrialsen and others
17.00 Wild Island lør

17.00-18.00 Wild Island Closing Ceremony - Navigate the Destruction Holstebro

The Wild Island is an artistic installation full of surprises. Every day artists and associations present new aspects of the wild side present within us all.
Arr. by: Isadora Pei, local scoutgroups and NTL
19.00 – 23.00 Late Night Festuge Lounge

19:00 - 23:00 Late Night Festuge Lounge Holstebro

The last Festuge night there is a chill out lounge open all evening at the Slaughterhouse, followed by the Regatta after-party.
Arr. by: NTL

19.00 Halfdansk Rapsodi Ejsing

With poetry reading, songs, photos and film fragments, actress Iben Nagel Rasmussen - daughter of the Danish poet and author Halfdan Rasmussen - has pieced together a portrait of Halfdan's less known side.
Arr. by: NTL
20.00 Ghost Dance

20.00 - 21.00 Ghost Dance Holstebro

Ghost Dance is an action combining music and theatre. The performance is an original piece by Teatr Brama, inspired by writings of Allen Ginsberg, Patti Smith, and folkloric art of dying civilisations and anti-capitalist manifestos.
Arr. by: Teatr Brama
21.30 Birds Choir and Evening Songs

21.30 Bird Choir and Evening Songs Holstebro

End the day with a late walk in the woods and experience the birds singing for the sun going down, enjoy the sunset and listen to the choir of birds and sense how the city and the wood goes to sleep. With evening songs and a brief story about birds.
Arr. by: Ingrid Hvass, Kent Byrialsen and others
22.00 Night in the Woods

22.00 Night in the Woods Holstebro

Adults are invited to the woods from sunset to sunrise. We will gather round the campfire, tell stories and discuss life’s important questions, with breaks for silence and rest. Please note: online booking of tickets is required!
Arr. by: Ingrid Hvass, Kent Byrialsen and others
23.30 Tower of Light

23.30 - 03.30 Tower of Light Holstebro

Holstebro Church inside and outside. A video mapping installation to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. With performative events every hour, 23.30, 00.30, 01.30 and 02.30, and the presence of a priest from the church.
Arr. by: Holstebro Church, Stefano di Buduo (Aesop Studio), NTL

Sunday June 18

04.35 Morning in The Woods

04.35 Morning in the Woods Holstebro

The first to rise are the birds – they sing above our heads. Morning gymnastics and morning song. We will cook our breakfast by the campfire and enjoy our final camp-meal together in the woods.
Arr. by: Ingrid Hvass, Kent Byrialsen and others
11.00 Into the Wild

11.00 - 17.00 Into the Wild Holstebro

Into The wild – Into the wilderness and the unknown. A group exhibition with some of the most current contemporary artists from Denmark, all of whom use "the wild" as part of their works.
Arr. by: Huset for Kunst og Design
11.00 Marie Lund – Legumes

11.00-17.00 Marie Lund - Legumes Holstebro

Marie Lund (DK, b. 1976) is one of Danish contemporary art's most talented sculptors. Now she is presented for the first time with a solo exhibition at a Danish art museum.
Arr. by: Holstebro Kunstmuseum
13.00 Landscape after the Sea Receded

13.00-14.30 Landscape after the Sea Receded Holstebro

Closing performance with all participating local institutions and associations together with international and local invited artists. The last glimpse of the changed landscape before life returns to its usual rhythm. Dir.: Eugenio Barba
Arr. by: NTL
13.00 X-Day

13.00 X-Day (part of the performance: Landscape after the Sea receded) Holstebro

To the polling stations! The voting citizens will be fully dressed in a fashionable pink coloured Zentai suit. The big question will remain unanswered until the last moment: will Jeppe manage to be elected as the new mayor of Holstebro?
Arr. by: Kunstpartiet, NTL

International Groups

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