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16.00 – 01.00 Communal Dinner » Holstebro Festuge

Communal Dinner

Date: 14 June
Time: 16.00-00.00
Address: Struervej 32, 7500 Holstebro, Slagteriet (Shady Town)
Arr. by: Kulturdivisionen, Subhuset and others

18.00-20.30 Slaughterhouse communal dinner and Wildcards performance
Enjoy an exceptional dinner at the Slaughterhouse with family, fellow citizens, neighbours and friends. Take a seat at the long tables and enjoy an evening of great food served with lively conversation and spicy performances in a warm and inviting atmosphere. The Shady Houseband and Teatr Brama from Caravan Next will join forces and create a musical ambiance during dinner. Local restaurant favorites Utopia and Kamoon will jointly prepare the vegetarian buffet, while Vestergades Slagter will cook and cut the roasted pig.

You can choose between two kinds of dinner tickets – A and B:
Ticket A: 18.00-20.30 Dinner and Wildcards Performance
Enjoy the dinner party and be sure to have a seat for the performance Wildcards, directed by Odin Teatret’s Tage Larsen with Donald Kitt in collaboration with many international artists. After the show you are welcomed back inside the Slaughterhouse to enjoy music and songs by Teatr Brama from Caravan Next.
Ticket B: 19.00-22.00 Dinner and Shady Town Performances
Relax and enjoy the whole Slaughterhouse communal dinner experience with fantastic food, drinks, music and performances. The communal dinner will slide slowly into the Late Night Festuge Cabaret.

Ticket Price is DKK 150 (both A & B).
Drinks are not included, a selection of beverages is sold at the bar (it is not allowed to bring your own beverages). Book your tickets through Billeto or the SLASH FB page. More information through shadytown2017@gmail.com

Also at Shady Town today:

16.00-20.00 Concert Hall and Shady Exhibition Room Opens
A robotic orchestra creates a massive cathedral of sound with kaleidoscopes and shadows of light. The exhibition room is loaded with art installations, balloons, moving shadows and video art.

17.40-18.00 Wild Cats & Wild Dogs
Surrounded by wild cats and dogs, the Baron will visit the Slaughterhouse. One moment the animals are in leashes – the next they are free. Experience actors from various countries in this dynamic and unpredictable street performance.

18.00 Shady Town Opens
Shady Town opens it’s gates, bars and spaces from 18.00. You are welcome as fellow citizens, friends, visitors, audiences, strangers, creatures, robots, freaks… Together we experiment with co-creation and village-building, offering a thoughtful and wild vision of the art of recycling, rebuilding delapitated things but as new creations based on crazy ideas and visions for the future. Drop in for a chat, play, dance, sing and enjoy spending time together.

19.30-20.30 Wildcards for the Voters in the Wild West 
The old election booths from Holstebro is set op on the usual line to keep an extraordinary election one last time. When the election is free then there should also be freedom to unfold in other ways? A performance with surprises!
Notice: the performance is free but tickets must be reserved in advance here.

22.00-01.00 Late Night Festuge Cabaret
The Late Night Festuge Cabaret at the Slaughterhouse is where Festuge artists and audience can meet in the evening. Drink, talk and enjoy late night performances by Holstebro and Festuge artists.

More information:
SLASH facebookpage
or contact us at shadytown2017@gmail.com

International Groups


  • Aleksandr Sandovicz (LT)
  • Bürgerstiftung Rohrmeisterei Schwerte (Simon Bronikowski (DE), Patricia Marioli (AR))
  • Cos Squad (DK)
  • Elona Planman (SE)
  • Jonas Koustrup Pedersen (DK)
  • KompaniTO (Norway)
  • KompaniTO (Mari Stoknes, Tamar Ohana Goksøyr (NO))
  • Kunstnerduo Morten & Jens (Morten Kromann & Jens Ardal (DK))
  • Linn Holm (SE)
  • Shady House Band (Minttu Hellstén (FIN), Björt Rúnarsdóttir (IS))
  • Shady Team (Vilja Itkonen (FIN), Marije Nie (NL), Victor Tambo (DK), Mette Sandholt (DK))
  • Stefan Tarabini (DK)
  • Teatr Brama (PL)


Statens Kunstfond
Caravan Next
I am Web
I am Web
Holstebro Kommune
Nordic Culture Point
Apmf Logo Print
Brama Poland
Brd. Hartmann
Det italienske kulturinstitut
Kreaturhandler A.R
Land Fritid
Mr. Holstebro
AutoG Holstebro
CenterForSocialtUdsatte (002)
CAL Peugeot
Bojsen Biler