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June 10 » Holstebro Festuge
10.00 ColourRide

10.00 - 14.00 ColourRide Holstebro

ColourRide - an art exhibition of works in oil and watercolour, where the artist Dorthe Kærgaard portrays the horse as a metaphor for life's volatility and all the challenges that constantly bring us out of balance.
Arr. by: Holstebro Library
13.00 Stampede

13.00 Stampede Holstebro

Parades of people and centaurs, animals and bicycles, children and pensioners, musicians and actors converge towards the main square to present themselves to Holstebro in preparation for the nine days of the Festuge.
Arr. by: NTL
13.30 Tomato Day

13.30 Tomato Day (part of the Opening Performance) Holstebro

Finally the time has come to throw tomatoes at Jeppe, the “Mayor Candidate” of the Art Party, if he cannot speak in Danish! With political party candidates, scouts, young people from the schools of Holstebro.
Arr. by: Kunstpartiet, NTL
13.30 When the Sea Came to Holstebro

13.30 When the Sea Came to Holstebro Holstebro

Opening performance with hundreds of participants from Holstebro Festuge: local and international artists, institutions, associations and ensembles. Directed by Eugenio Barba in collaboration with Teatro Potlach and Rina Skeel.
Arr. by: NTL
15.00 Holstebro Internationale Tango Festival

15.00 - 22.30 Holstebro Internationale Tango Festival Holstebro

Holstebro International Tango Festival 2017: events for beginners and advanced tango lovers from 15.00 - 22.00
Arr. by: Tango MidtVest
15.00 Into the Wild

15.00 - 19.00 Into the Wild Holstebro

Into the Wild – Into the wilderness and the unknown. A group exhibition with some of the most current contemporary artists from Denmark, all of whom use "the wild" as part of their works.
Arr. by: Huset for Kunst og Design
16.00 An Outlandish Vision

16.00 - 16.20 An Outlandish Vision Holstebro

Afternoon tea surprises: a horse, other theatre figures and Eastern European melodies will appear during Mellemtoften’s afternoon tea and provide a rather unusual sight.
Arr. by: NTL
17.00 Home#3

17.00 Home#3 Holstebro

An orchestra of loudspeakers surrounds the audience in an electronic musical portrait of Holstebro Asylcenter. The music is based on everyday sounds recorded in collaboration with the residents. The concerts take place at Nørregade 14.
Arr. by: Niels Bjerg
17.00 The Bedroom

17.00-17.45 The Bedroom Holstebro

Experience the magic of two virtuoso ensembles: Ensemble MidtVest and the outstanding French Centaurs. The audience is invited into the Centaurs' bedroom, while the musicians create magical sound universes.
Arr. by: NTL, Ensemble MidtVest
1730 Festjyllandia

17.30 - 19.30 Festjyllandia Holstebro

Bring your picnic basket and experience a unique performance with the world famous Italian Teatro Tascabile, 23 musicians, a telescopic loader, folk dancers, a senior citizen theatre group, Icelandic horses and local talents.
Arr. by: NTL
19.00 Halfdansk rapsodi Ryde

19.00 Halfdansk rapsodi Ryde

With poetry reading, songs, photos and film fragments, actress Iben Nagel Rasmussen - daughter of the Danish poet and author Halfdan Rasmussen - has pieced together a portrait of Halfdan's less known sides.
Arr. by: NTL
20.00Shady Town Opening Night

20.00-01.00 Shady Town Opening Night Holstebro

The Freak Parade leads from Store Torv to the Opening Performance with acrobats, wild drummers, dancing pigs and more in Shady Town. The party continues inside the Slaughterhouse.
Arr. by: Kulturdivisionen, Subhuset and SLASH
22.00 Behind the hedges

22.00 - 22.45 Behind the hedges Holstebro

A walk into the mysterious landscape of villa gardens that we usually see only in glimpses over the hedge. Notice: starts at 22.00! Reservation necessary by email: odin@odinteatret.dk
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure and others
22.30 – 01.00 Late Night Festuge Cabaret

22.30 - 01.00 Late Night Festuge Cabaret Holstebro

The Late Night Festuge Cabaret at the Slaughterhouse is the place where Festuge artists and audience can meet in the evening. Drink, talk and enjoy late night performances by Holstebro and Festuge artists.
Arr. by: NTL


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