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June 16 » Holstebro Festuge
06.30 Morning Dance

06.30 - 08.00 Morning dance Holstebro

Get charged for the work of the day when the Ballet School invites you for morning dance. Choose to dance free as you like or to get instructions in Latin & Standard dance by Earle Williamson who is double American champion.
Arr. by: The Royal Ballet School
07.30 WCWD Holstebro banegård

07.30 - 07.50 Wild Cats & Wild Dogs Holstebro

Surrounded by wild cats and dogs, the Baron will take Holstebro with quick interventions. One moment the animals are on leashes - the next they are free. Experience actors from various countries in this dynamic and unpredictable street performance.
Arr. by: NTL
07.50 An outlandish vision

07.50 - 08.00 An Outlandish Vision Holstebro

When children and teachers of the Storå School come to school this Friday, they will be met by a wild sight: one real horse and twelve imaginary ones, accompanied by Eastern European melodies, are waiting at the school entrance!
Arr. by: NTL
09.00 Centaurs at home

09.00 - 09.15 Centaurs at home Holstebro

The Centaur Village can be visited every morning. Centaurs have to be combed, trained and aired. Sometimes guests drop by for a cup of coffee. You are welcome to join the Centaurs at home!
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure m.fl.

09.00 INCITATUS Holstebro

Jeppe will appoint a horse from Centaur Village as Minister.
Arr. by: Kunstpartiet, NTL
10.00 ColourRide

10.00 - 18.00 ColourRide Holstebro

ColourRide - an art exhibition of works in oil and watercolour, where the artist Dorthe Kærgaard portrays the horse as a metaphor for life's volatility and all the challenges that constantly bring us out of balance.
Arr. by: Holstebro Library
10.30 WCWD mejrup skole

10.30 - 11.15 Wild Cats & Wild Dogs Holstebro

Surrounded by wild cats and dogs, the Baron will take Holstebro with quick interventions. One moment the animals are on leashes - the next they are free. Experience actors from various countries in this dynamic and unpredictable street performance.
Arr. by: NTL
11.00 Centaurs at home

11.00 - 11.15 Centaurs at home Holstebro

The Centaur Village can be visited every morning. Centaurs have to be washed and combed, trained and aired. This morning children from Nørre Boulevard School drop by together with Mario Barzaghi. You are welcome to join the Centaurs at home
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure and others
12.00 Homage to Maren

12.00-12.15 Homage to Maren Holstebro

All visitors to Holstebro salute Maren, who came to town in 1966, the same year as Odin Teatret. The Wild Cats & Dogs also follow this tradition.
Arr. by: NTL, Wild Cats & Wild Dogs
12.00 Into the Wild

12.00 - 16.00 Into the Wild Holstebro

Into The wild – Into the wilderness and the unknown. A group exhibition with some of the most current contemporary artists from Denmark, all of whom use "the wild" as part of their works.
Arr. by: Huset for Kunst og Design
14.00 A walk in Husby Klitplantage

14.00 - 16.00 A Walk at Husby Klitplantage Husby

Come for a walk around Husby Klitplantage before the horse-show on the beach, which is a part of Holstebro Festuge. We will walk about 5 km within the plantation itself. Remember to bring good walking shoes and clothes suitable for the weather.
Arr. by: Dansk vandrelaug
14.30 Wild cats & wild dogs – Holstebro Banegaard

14.30 -14.50 Wild Cats & Wild Dogs Holstebro

Surrounded by wild cats and dogs, the Baron will take Holstebro with quick interventions. One moment the animals are on leashes - the next they are free. Experience actors from various countries in this dynamic and unpredictable street performance.
Arr. by: NTL
15.00 Koncert with Thirsty Night Big Band

15.00 - 16.00 Concert with Thirsty Night Big Band Holstebro

Bigband Jazz with Thirsty Night Big Band by Jens Klüver
Arr. by: Thirsty Night Big Band
16.45 Animaglyphe

16.45 - 18.00 Animaglyphe Husby

People and animals create soulful figures in the landscape along the majestic beach of Husby. The spectators walk together through the dunes, until lots of Centaurs appear.
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure
17.00 The last action before the election

17.00 The last action before the election Holstebro

The last action in a very long election campaign, with Jeppe, Linda and Alberto M. Guinaldo.
Arr. by: Kunstpartiet, NTL
17.00 Wild Island fri

17.00-18.00 Wild Island - Between Earth and Sky Holstebro

The Wild Island is an artistic installation full of surprises. Every day artists and associations present new aspects of the wild side present within us all.
Arr. by: Isadora Pei, local scoutgroups and NTL
18.00 – 02.00 Shady Town Grand Finale

18.00-02.00 Shady Towns Grand Finale Holstebro

For the Shady Town Grand Finale the whole area will come alive with colourful theatre performances, circus, dance and music. We celebrate the temporary village by dancing into the night
Arr. by: Kulturdivisionen, Subhuset and SLASH
19.00 Theatrum Nauticum & Paella – Thorsminde

19.00 - 20.30 Theatrum Nauticum & Paella Thorsminde

Theatre with ships, spectacular sand pumps, proud fishing boats, cool kayaks, swimming clubs, a choir of strong sailors, sea horses and the Italian theatre group Teatro Tascabile and the French horse theatre Théâtre du Centaure.
Arr. by: NTL
22.00 – 02.00 Late Night Festuge Cabaret

22:00 - 02:00 Late Night Festuge Cabaret Holstebro

Tonight the Late Night Festuge Cabaret is replaced by Shady Town’s grand finale and dance party, a crazy carnival that will burn until deep in the night with drag queens, aerial acrobatics, dance and music.
Arr. by: NTL
23.30 Tower of Light

23.30 - 03.30 Tower of Light Holstebro

Holstebro Church inside and outside. A video mapping installation to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. With performative events every hour, 23.30, 00.30, 01.30 and 02.30, and the presence of a priest from the church.
Arr. by: Holstebro Church, Stefano di Buduo (Aesop Studio), NTL


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