Theatrum Machinae
Date: 15 June
Time: 11.00 - 13.00
Address: Stadionallé 2, 7570 Vemb
Arr. by: NTL
Theatrum Machinae is theatre with machines, a front loader, a wrought orchestra with wrench and guitar, a children brass band and a senior citizen theatre troupe and the world famous theatre group Teatro Tascabile with stilts and a telescopic loader. With many local talents and passionate inhabitants who will show what is moving in Festjylland in a gigantic performance performed in the green area near Vemb’s School.
Directed by Kai Bredholt (Odin Teatret – Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium)
International Groups
- Teatro tascabile di Bergamo (Italy)
- Blæserbørnene Vemb Skole
- Vemb Aktivitetscenter Krohaven
- VembVilVidere
- Uddannelsescenter Mariebjerg
- “Humørgruppen” Holstebro Seniorhus
- Local children and adults with machines
- Holstebro Folkedanserforening
- Horses from Stalden ved Gryde Å
- Mariebjergs poporhcestra