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June 12 » Holstebro Festuge
08:00 An Outlandish Vision

08.00 - 08.15 An Outlandish Vision Holstebro

When children and teachers come to school this Monday, they will come across a strange sight in the school yard: a horse and other theatre figures, accompanied by Eastern European melodies.
Arr. by: NTL
09.00 Centaurs at home

09.00 - 09.15 Centaurs at Home Holstebro

Every morning you can visit the Centaur Village. The Centaurs need to be combed, washed, and trained. Sometimes guests drop by for a cup of coffee, sometimes they bring other pets.
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure and others
10.00 ColourRide

10.00 - 18.00 ColourRide Holstebro

ColourRide - an art exhibition of works in oil and watercolour, where the artist Dorthe Kærgaard portrays the horse as a metaphor for life's volatility and all the challenges that constantly bring us out of balance.
Arr. by: Holstebro Library
10.30 WCWD

10.30 - 11.10 Wild Cats & Wild Dogs Holstebro

Surrounded by wild cats and dogs, the Baron will take Holstebro with quick interventions. One moment the animals are on leashes - the next they are free. Experience actors from various countries in this dynamic and unpredictable street performance.
Arr. by: NTL
11.00 Centaurs at home

11.00 - 11.15 Centaurs at Home Holstebro

The Centaur Village can be visited every morning. Centaurs have to be washed and combed, trained and aired. This morning children from the Ellebæk School drop by for coffee and to show a small scene. You are welcome to join the Centaurs at home!
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure and others
11.30 Chaos in the carpark at Nørreport Centret

11.30 Chaos in the carpark at Nørreport Centret Holstebro

The international workshop team Horseplay Everyday presents itself as a mad horse-headed businessperson chorus and as a herd of hobby horses making chaos in the carpark behind Nørreport Centret.
Arr. by: NTL, Deborah Hunt
12.00 Homage to Maren mon

12.00-12.15 Homage to Maren Holstebro

All visitors to Holstebro salute Maren, who came to town in 1966 the same year as Odin Teatret. The artists from SLASH also follow this tradition.
Arr. by: NTL, SLASH
12.00 Wild Cats & Wild Dogs – Nupark

12.00 -12.30 Wild Cats & Wild Dogs Holstebro

Surrounded by wild cats and dogs, the Baron will take Holstebro with quick interventions. One moment the animals are on leashes - the next they are free. Experience actors from various countries in this dynamic and unpredictable street performance.
Arr. by: NTL
12.15 Horseplay at Holstebro Station

12.15 Horseplay at Holstebro Station Holstebro

The international workshop team Horseplay Everyday presents itself as a mad horse-headed businessperson chorus and as a herd of hobby horses making chaos at the train station.
Arr. by: NTL, Deborah Hunt
13.00 Horseplay shovelling horse droppings at the town hall

13.00 Horseplay shovelling horse droppings at the town hall Holstebro

The international workshop team Horseplay Everyday presents itself as a mad horse-headed chorus of businessmen and as a herd of hobby horses shovelling horse droppings at the Town Hall.
Arr. by: NTL, Deborah Hunt
13.30 Wild Cats & Wild Dogs – Sprogcentret

13.30 - 14.00 Wild Cats & Wild Dogs Holstebro

Surrounded by wild cats and dogs, the Baron will take Holstebro with quick interventions. One moment the animals are on leashes - the next they are free. Experience actors from various countries in this dynamic and unpredictable street performance.
Arr. by: NTL
14.30 Angels passing by

14.30 - 15.00 Angels Passing By Holstebro

This performance by Théâtre du Centaure takes place between the library bookshelves, as if they float above the books like angels.
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure
15.00 Icelandic Freedom

15.00 - 15.30 Icelandic Freedom Holstebro

Ten real ‘læse-heste’ (‘bookworms’ in the shape of horses) can be found among the books at Holstebro Library.
Arr. by: NTL
15.00 Tango workshop for beginners

15.00 - 16.00 Tango Workshop for beginners Holstebro

Come alone or bring your own dance partner – or, if you prefer, drop by to just watch and listen – and learn more about the Argentine tango and the Kulturforeningen Tango MidtVest.
Arr. by: Tango MidtVest
15.30 An Outlandish Vision

15.30 - 16.00 An Outlandish Vision Holstebro

If you look out of the windows of the residential home this Monday, you will be met by a strange sight: a horse and other theatrical figures, accompanied by Eastern European melodies, are visiting.
Arr. by: NTL
15.30 Icelandic Freedom

15.30 - 16.00 Icelandic Freedom Holstebro

Visitors and employees of the Library and Town Hall are joined by ten selected Icelandic horses.
Arr. by: NTL
16.00 Halfdansk Rapsodi Staby

16.00 Halfdansk rapsodi Staby

With poetry reading, songs, photos and film fragments, actress Iben Nagel Rasmussen - daughter of the Danish poet and author Halfdan Rasmussen - has pieced together a portrait of Halfdan's less known side. ***CLOSED EVENT***
Arr. by: NTL
16.00 Home#3

16.00 Home#3 Holstebro

An orchestra of loudspeakers surrounds the audience in an electronic musical portrait of Holstebro Asylcenter. The music is based on everyday sounds recorded in collaboration with the residents. The concerts take place at Nørregade 14.
Arr. by: Niels Bjerg
16.00 The Woods in the Walking Street

16.00 - 16.20 Woods in the Walking Street Holstebro

We will plant a wood in the Walking Street and invite passers-by to listen to stories about the life of trees and the magic of the woods. A short and atmospheric event with tales, Greek songs and hymns.
Arr. by: Ingrid Hvass, Kent Byrialsen and more
17.00 Wild Island mon

17.00-18.00 Wild Island - Nomads of the Wind Holstebro

The Wild Island is an artistic installation full of surprises. Every day artists and associations present new aspects of the wild side present within us all.
Arr. by: Isadora Pei, lokale spejdergrupper and NTL
17.30 Festjyllandia

17.30 - 19.30 Festjyllandia Holstebro

Bring your picnic basket and experience a unique performance with the world famous Italian Teatro Tascabile, 23 musicians, a telescopic loader, folk dancers, a senior citizen theatre group, Icelandic horses and local talents.
Arr. by: NTL
18.00 – 01.00 Shady Short Film Night

18.00 - 01.00 Shady Short Film Night Holstebro

Short films based on the theme of deconstruction and rebuilding. New productions from young filmmakers and films from the early years of filming. Exciting wheelchair skating performance and free skating.
Arr. by: Kulturdivisionen, Subhuset and SLASH
20.30 Tales of the Woods

20.30 - 21.30 Tales of the Woods Holstebro

We will light a campfire, for people to gather round, while drinking campfire coffee and tea of the woods. We will hear stories and fairytales of the woods, told by the storytellers. Plain and simple.
Arr. by: Ingrid Hvass, Kent Byrialsen and others
21.00 Horseplay pub crawl

21.00 Horseplay Pubcrawl Holstebro

The international workshop team Horseplay Everyday presents itself as a mad horse-headed chorus of businessmen and as a herd of hobby horses on Pub Crawl starting outside Kielgasten , Østergade 16
Arr. by: NTL, Deborah Hunt
21.30 Birds choir and evening songs

21.30 Bird Choir and Evening Song Holstebro

End the day with a late walk in the woods and experience the birds singing for the sun going down. Enjoy the sunset and listen to the choir of birds and sense how the city and the woods go to sleep.
Arr. by: Ingrid Hvass, Kent Byrialsen and others
22.00 – 01.00 Late Night Festuge Cabaret

22:30 - 01:00 Late Night Festuge Cabaret Holstebro

The Late Night Festuge Cabaret at the Slaughterhouse is where Festuge artists and audience can meet in the evening. Drink, talk and enjoy late night performances by Holstebro and Festuge artists.
Arr. by: NTL
22.00 Sing in the Woods

22.00 Singing in the Woods Holstebro

Learn traditional Greek songs and orthodox hymns as part of a singing workshop among the trees after sunset. Enjoy this opportunity to spend time together round a campfire after the workshop.
Arr. by: Ingrid Hvass, Kent Byrialsen and others
23.30 Towards the Milky Way

23.30 - 00.00 Towards the Milky Way Holstebro

Every night during Festuge you can experience horses, centaurs and other creatures, slowly moving along, guided by the highway in the sky, the Milky Way, on their way to the Midnight Ritual at the park.
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure and others
23.30 Tower of Light

23.30 - 03.30 Tower of Light Holstebro

Holstebro Church inside and outside. A video mapping installation to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. With performative events every hour, 23.30, 00.30, 01.30 and 02.30, and the presence of a priest from the church.
Arr. by: Holstebro Church, Stefano di Buduo (Aesop Studio), NTL
23.50 Centaurs of the Night

00.00 - 00.20 Centaurs of the Night Holstebro

During Festuge several midnight rituals are performed. At midnight, times stops and a gentle wildness takes control of our imagination.
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure


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