Behind the hedges
Date: 10 June
Time: 22.00 - 22.45
Address: Villahaver omkring Poul Andersens Vej, Poul Andersens Vej 3, 7500 Holstebro
Arr. by: NTL, Théâtre du Centaure and others
A walk into the mysterious landscape of villa gardens that we usually see only in glimpses over the hedge. The gardens come alive with visions and sounds, photographs and real or unreal figures.
Reservation necessary by email:
International Groups
- Valentina Bechi (Italy)
- Vestjysk Klatreklub
- Duo Blaskó (Hungary)
- Théâtre du Centaure (France)
- Inhabitants of Poul Andersens Vej
- Dansk Senior Dans
- Kira Clausen
- Julia Varley (Odin Teatret)
- Jan Ferslev (Odin Teatret)
- Miguel Lopez (Spain)